Cooperages 1912 Adds Maison Moussié to Collection of Premium Wine Barrel Brands

NAPA, CA. (March 22, 2023) – Cooperages 1912 is growing their collection of premium wine barrel brands with the addition of Maison Moussié. Made with a noventique style – which combines innovation and authenticity – Maison Moussié creates luxury barrels positioned for high-end wines. Founded by Thomas Moussié, the company was acquired in September 2022 and will be the sixth premium barrel brand in the Cooperages 1912 collection.

Maison Moussié is best known for their Petra Collection. These barrels are toasted with a unique and patented heated stone toasting technology invented by Moussié. The non-combustion process uses natural stones and water elements combined with heat to create barrels that are evenly toasted and consistent. Currently, lava rock and jadeite are being utilized for toasting material. However, any stone that can absorb and transmit heat with the proper conductivity can be utilized in this process.

“Thomas Moussié has a unique approach to innovation, which can be seen in his heated stone toasting technology, that speaks to what we’ve been doing for decades at Cooperages 1912,” said Elizabeth Van Emst, general manager Cooperages 1912. “Innovation allows us to respond to the present and future needs of customers whose wine styles have continued to evolve. I believe Maison Moussié will fit nicely into our current collection of wine barrel brands.”

Maison Moussié barrels are crafted in Bordeaux, using a specific wood supply that is seasoned in a dedicated area at a company owned mill in the North of France. From the exceptional forests of Tronçais, Bertranges and Bercé to the Centre-France region as well as other famous French forests, Maison Moussié sources the finest forests and tightest grains to craft their high-quality oak barrels.

“In aligning with Cooperages 1912, Maison Moussié will benefit from their exceptional savoir-faire and strong organization to accelerate its growth in North America,” said Moussié. “It’s a dream to work with the Cooperages 1912 team and the famous USA market. I know we will realize fantastic things together.”

Learn more about Maison Moussié from a Cooperages 1912 account manager or by visiting the website

About Cooperages 1912

Cooperages 1912 offers a comprehensive collection of premium wine barrel brands: Tonnellerie Quintessence, Tonnellerie Tremeaux, Maison Moussié, TW Boswell, Heinrich Cooperage and World Cooperage. The Cooperages 1912 team consults directly with winemakers to ensure an optimal pairing between wine and barrel.


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