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Wine School Goes AI

March 1st – (Vermont, Pennsylvania) Why is most wine education little more than a PowerPoint presentation? Starting on March 7th, the National Wine School (NWS) will pull sommelier certification into the 21st Century with a little dose of Artificial Intelligence.

The wine industry always evolves, but wine education lags years behind. Now, the National Wine School is taking sommelier certification to the next level with the launch of its AI-powered sommelier accreditation program.

On March 7th, NWS is deploying multiple cloud-based technologies to deliver cutting-edge wine education to their students. The core of this system is a narrow AI combined with an optimized hosting stack to aggregate and deliver wine courses at lightning speed. 

This changes wine education forever.  Currently, most wine education is based on outdated textbooks. AI will allow the National Wine School to aggregate and deploys wine information quickly and effectively online.

The AI-powered program will include several key features, including:

  • Exam development: AI will analyze vast amounts of wine-related data to develop and refine exam questions.
  • Exam grading: AI will be used to grade exams, providing quick and accurate results.
  • Personalized study plans: AI will be used to develop personalized study plans for sommeliers based on their individual strengths and weaknesses.
  • Interactive learning: AI will be used to develop interactive learning tools, such as games and simulations, to help sommeliers learn and retain information more effectively.

Along with online programming, this technology will be deployed in the classroom, starting with the Wine School of Philadelphia and then into universities and colleges. 

About the National Wine School  

Based in Vermont, the National Wine School offers the fastest-growing sommelier certification program in the United States.  Their partner in developing this program is the Wine School of Philadelphia.  


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