Lodi Winegrape Commission Announces Fourth Edition of Lodi Rules

Industry-leading sustainable vineyard certification program gets even better

LODI, Calif., Jan. 17, 2023 – Today, the Lodi Winegrape Commission releases the Fourth Edition of its comprehensive sustainability certification program, LODI RULES. This update is the result of over six years of research and review and includes 35 new farming practice standards, bringing the total count to more than 150.

Originally accredited in 2005 by Protected Harvest, LODI RULES for Sustainable Winegrowing is America’s original sustainable viticulture program. The LODI RULES standards, the backbone of the program, are organized into six chapters: Business Management, Human Resources Management, Ecosystem Management, Soil Management, Water Management, and Pest Management. The revised standards are once again third-party accredited, and vineyards are certified and audited on an annual basis. The program has grown from 1,555 acres in 2005 to nearly 70,000 acres across 14 California crush districts, Washington, and Israel.

Part of the fourth edition update includes PEAS 2.0, the winegrape industry’s most advanced tool to quantify the total environmental and human impact of plant protectants applied to LODI RULES vineyards annually. PEAS 2.0 is based on the IPM Institute of North America’s Pesticide Risk Tool (PRT), and measures risk on 15 indices across the following categories: 1) risks to workers and consumers; 2) risks to aquatic invertebrates, algae, and fish; 3) risks to earthworms; 4) acute risks to small mammals; 5) acute and reproductive risks to birds; and 6) risks to bees and beneficial insects. 

“LODI RULES empowers growers with the knowledge to make good decisions for their farms, the environment, and the community,” said Stuart Spencer, Executive Director of the Lodi Winegrape Commission. “A revision project of this size would not be possible without the involvement of the winegrowing community including Dr. Stephanie Bolton, and their commitment to continuous learning when it comes to viticulture.”

When asked about the new edition, the Commission’s LODI RULES Sustainable Winegrowing Director, Dr. Stephanie Bolton, adds, “we’re thrilled with these updates which will improve the resiliency of generational family farms while also enhancing the environmental quality and resource base on which agriculture depends.”

One new farming practice singled out by Dr. Bolton, is LR Standard 1.19 “The Carbon Cycle” which, she says, “empowers growers to make climate-friendly decisions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on their farms.” In its current edition, the Commission has identified over 70 farming practice standards that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Among others, additional components cited by Dr. Bolton: 

  • Adding more types of risk (natural disasters, etc.) to the risk management plan to better prepare farmers for uncertainty
  • Encouraging the communication of sustainability to others, both in and outside the farming operation
  • Further increasing efficiency through automation
  • Offering safety and comfort enhancements for employees, including a social responsibility policy to ensure employees are best protected
  • Requiring a water management plan and an irrigation distribution uniformity test more frequently
  • Adding integrated pest management for mealybugs and grapevine viruses

To review the LODI RULES Fourth Edition Certification Standards in its entirety, visit https://www.lodigrowers.com/standards

About the Lodi Winegrape Commission 

Established in 1991, the Lodi Winegrape Commission represents the common interests of Lodi winegrowers with programs in marketing, education, research, and sustainable viticulture.  The Commission collectively and effectively promotes Lodi’s vibrant, multi-generational farming community and California’s most dynamic wine region. Comprised of nine commissioners and nine alternates, the board of directors provides direction and input on behalf of the region’s 750 winegrowers. For more information about the Lodi Winegrape Commission, visit lodigrowers.com. For information on the Lodi appellation, visit lodiwine.com

About Protected Harvest

Protected Harvest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Santa Cruz, California, with the principal mission to advance use and adoption of quantifiable sustainable agriculture standards. Protected Harvest functions first and foremost as an independent certifier, but also conducts reviews of standards developed by industry-leading organizations, to provide third-party validation and confirm they are based on sound science and designed to promote continuous improvement. For more information about Protected Harvest, visit protectedharvest.org


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