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Leone Alato Deepens and Broadens Relationship with Key Distributor

November 16th – New York – Having worked with Opici Family Distributing in New York for several years, Leone Alato USA has now deepened its partnership with this staple of the fine wine community. Opici will now carry the majority of Leone Alato USA’s wineries and are adding distribution in New Jersey, Connecticut, and soon in Maryland, DC and Delaware.

Leone Alato USA held a portfolio tasting of more than 90 Leone Alato USA wines at Opici Family Distributing’s NY offices on September 12 for the Metro sales force as well as key buyers from the NYC metro area, and leadership from other Opici state operations so they could experience all the wines now in their arsenal.

“We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with Opici,” says Elizabeth Smith, Brand and Marketing Manager for Leone Alato USA. “They have a robust and talented sales force and are also able to offer a boutique-style, personal level of service that matches many of our more artisanal producers.”

“We are beyond thrilled and impressed with the wines, resources, talent, and collaborative efforts Leone Alato USA prepared for us,” says Ian Scudder, Director of Fine Wine, Opici Family Distributing NY. “Now we’re ready to execute!”

About Leone Alato USA

Producers include Bentu Luna (Sardegna), Bonaventura Maschio (Veneto), Borgo Magredo (Friuli), Bricco dei Guazzi (Piemonte), Caccia al Piano (Toscana, Bolgheri), Cantina Fiorentino (Puglia), Cantine Europa “John Dapetrosino” (Sicilia), Certosa di Belriguardo (Toscana), Costa Arente (Veneto, Valpolicella), Di Meo (Campania), Distilleria Trussoni (Piemonte), Familia Cassone (Mendoza, Argentina), Fattoria di Grignano (Toscana, Rufina), GiA (Piemonte), Giacosa Fratelli (Piemonte), Grottaia (Toscana), Madonna Nera (Toscana, Montalcino), Michele Castellani (Veneto, Valpolicella), Palazzo (Toscana, Montalcino), Pinino (Toscana, Montalcino), Poggiobello (Friuli), Tenuta Gorghi Tondi (Sicilia), Tenuta Sant’Anna (Veneto), Tenuta Ulisse (Abruzzo), Torre Rosazza (Friuli), V8+ (Veneto), and Vivera (Sicilia).


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