Let’s Talk Alsacian! #Hugelday 2022 Celebrates Its Alsatian Roots

1921-2022: 101 years of the famous yellow, red and gold labels.

Riquewihr, November 8, 2022 – This Saturday November 12 will mark the 13th #HugelDay, celebrated around the world. A celebration with a distinctly Alsatian feel that attracts more and more Alsace wine lovers every year.

Launched in the United States in 2009, this event showcases Famille Hugel wines at wine merchants and in restaurants. This year, for its 13th edition, #HugelDay 2022 has a new slogan: “Let’s talk Alsacian!” in homage to Famille Hugel’s roots, firmly planted in Riquewihr in Alsace (France) since 1639.

The #HugelDay 2022 visual campaign also features symbols of Alsace such as a stork, half-timbered houses and pretzels etc. And, of course, these are all in Famille Hugel’s favourite colours – red and yellow. Why these two warm colors? Because in 1918 Alsace became part of France again, and its wine producers had to deal with major economic changes and rethink the packaging of their wines. Prior to this, Jean Hugel, the father and grandfather of the current generations, had trained in the marketing department of the famous Swiss food brand MAGGI™. At that time, market research into the presentation of its products showed that yellow, red, and gold were the colors people preferred, and these were quickly adopted by the company. The young Jean Hugel rapidly (and effectively) took this on board and so, since 1921, the wines of Famille Hugel have been recognizable the world over for their famous yellow, red, and gold labels. 

On November 12, #HugelDay 2022 will spread the word about Alsace and its wonderful wines in New York, Oslo, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, Riquewihr (of course) and many other cities around the globe. Because Famille Hugel has been passing on its know-how from generation to generation since 1639, it is now available and much-appreciated in more than 100 countries.


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