Alessandro Nicodemi Elected New Chairman of the Abruzzo Wine Consortium

For the first time, the Board of Directors elected a private wine producer to lead the Consortium instead of a member of a regional cooperative. He will continue its mission to enhance the Abruzzo territory as one of the leaders of Italian winemaking 

Ortona, October 20, 2022 –For the first time, the Consorzio Tutela Vini d’Abruzzo (Consortium for the Protection of Wines of Abruzzo) has elected a private producer, Alessandro Nicodemi, as Chairman, marking a significant change in leadership of the viticultural region.

Under Nicodemi’s direction, the Consortium will seize on all of the promotional opportunities offered by the European Union and by the NRRP (Italy’s recovery and resilience plan). The Consortium will also continue to complete the new ‘Abruzzo Model,’ which redefines production regulations and introduces measures for regulating the market. The Abruzzo Model, introduced in April 2022, is intended to further protect and increase the value of the Abruzzo denominations.

“My first thanks go to all the members of the Board of Directors for trusting me especially during a very delicate historical moment for our viticultural region,” stated the Chairman. “At the same time, my thanks also go to the outgoing chairman Valentino Di Campli, who supported me in tackling this momentous step of passage of the presidency of the Consortium from the cooperative world to a producer of a family business. This new position makes me proud; it gratifies me for the work done in all these years, but at the same time it charges me with an enormous responsibility, and I hope not to disappoint anyone. Important challenges await us. We will face them with constructive dialogue and mutual respect, essential values that make the Consortium even more efficient and authoritative. My commitment and that of all my collaborators will be total and aimed at achieving ambitious but feasible goals, aimed at guaranteeing the greatest competitive advantage, adequate profitability, and maximum enhancement of our wine products for all of our member producers.”

Nicodemi was born in 1972 and earned a university degree in Economics and Commerce. He has served as a Complementary Officer in the Guardia di Finanza (The Italian finance police). In 1997, following the untimely death of his father, Nicodemi started working full time with his sister at the family’s Bruno Nicodemi farm, one of the most historic wine producers in Abruzzo with its own brand since 1977.

Before this important nomination, Nicodemi served as president of the Consorzio Tutela Colline Teramane wines for 15 years and previously held the role of vice chairman of the Consorzio Vini d’Abruzzo for the last 6 years. In 2011, he was awarded the prestigious Cangrande Medal recognizing “Meritorious of Italian Viticulture,” for having made a decisive contribution to the development of Italian viticulture and enology. Today he also holds the position of regional representative within the National Federation of Viticulture Product of Confagricoltura (general confederation of Italian agriculture).

Nicodemi will be supported by the vice presidents Pino Candeloro (Sincarpa) and Franco D’Eusanio (Chiusa Grande) and the other members of the Board of Directors, who include Giulia Cataldi Madonna (Cataldi Madonna), Rocco Cipollone (Masciarelli), Franco D’Eusanio (Chiusa Grande), Dino D’Ercole (San Nicola), Carlo Di Campli Finore (, Nicola Dragani (Madonna of Miracles), Paolo Ulpiani (Zaccagnini), Luciano Di Labio (Villamagna), Pino Canderolo (Sincarpa), Chiara Ciavolich (Chiara Ciavolich), Fausto Cimini (Paglieta), Vincenzo Bucci (Olearia Vinicola Villese), Miki Antonucci (Agricultural Progress), and Gennaro Matarazzo (Roxan).

About Consorzio Tutela Vini d’Abruzzo

The Consorzio Tutela Vini d’Abruzzo (Consortium for the Protection of Wines of Abruzzo) is a non-profit association, made up of all the entities forming part of the control DOC and IGT system, which aims to protect, enhance and take care of the interests relating to the controlled designations of origin of the regional territory, activities that the Consortium carries out, day after day, with the utmost determination. That same determination which its 210 members – grape growers, winemakers and bottlers, always closely focused on quality – put into their work: from the care of the vineyard to the scrupulousness in the transformation of the grapes, diligence in aging to attention to customer requirements.

There is no region in Europe like Abruzzo where more than 30% of the territory is protected by four parks (three national and one regional) and a dozen nature reserves and protected areas. It is therefore no coincidence that the Consortium, which has been protecting one of the most authentic resources of the territory for years, has chosen the eagle as its symbol: an animal with a strong protective instinct, as tenacious as the people of Abruzzo.

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