Taco Vino- BC Wine, Cider, Spirits & Beer Tasting Is This Saturday

Last chance to get your event tickets

October 22nd 2022–OKANAGAN– Taco Vino will be hosted this Saturday at Kelowna Ford Lincoln on Enterprise and feature samples from some of BC’s best, Mexican food provided by El Taquero, Spanish music played by DJ BMack of Virgin Radio, the Okanagan Folklore Dancers, a Mexican market hosted by Sans Latin Market, Chips and salsas from Fresh is Best, and so much more.

Vendors that will be offering samples at this year’s event are, Summerhill Pyramid Winery, Alchemist Distiller, Skimmerhorn Wines, Northyards Cider Co, and more…

“With only a few days left until the event we are getting extremely excited” stated Katherine Bramall general manager for the BC Wine, Cider & Spirits Festival. “This event is so fun; and we cannot wait to host everyone again, it has been far to long.”

Limited tickets are left available, so head to bcwinefestival.com now to make sure you get yours before it is to late.

Tickets include all samples, food, entertainment, a souvenir glass, and a safe ride home.

Visit bcwinefestival.com now.


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