The Calaveras Winegrape Alliance Is Set to Host the 29th Annual Calaveras Grape Stomp & Auction on October 1st at Murphys Community Park – The Oldest & Largest in California

September 19th – Murphys, CA – On Saturday, October 1, 2022, about 5000 people will attend the 29th Annual Calaveras Grape  Stomp at Murphys Community Park where 120 teams from near and far will compete for title of Top Stomper!  The 29th Annual Calaveras Grape Stomp has grown into California’s Oldest and Largest Grape Stomp  Competition. Teams of two will assign one Stomper and one Swabber to compete in a half barrel filled with 25  pounds of grapes. Each team has three minutes to produce as much juice as possible to win that heat and move  onto the next round. There are two semi-final heats before the top teams move on to compete in the  championship round! Additional grapes are added to the barrels if needed for a five minute stomp in the  championship round. Attendees can watch the competition for free or teams of two can register in advance for  $80 per team. The event takes place from 9:00-5:00 and includes a Gold Rush Street Faire on Main Street  Murphys, sponsored by Feeney Park as their annual fundraising event. Stomp teams are encouraged to dress up  for the Costume Contest in which prizes are awarded. Local wine by the glass and carafe will be sold at the  park and food booths will be available. The Feeney Park team will also have beer booths at the park and  throughout the street fair as well as food vendors along Main Street. Visitors will enjoy about 100 Street Faire  artists and vendors, live music, kids activities and so much more. 

Established in 1989, The Calaveras Winegrape Alliance (CWA) is a non-profit organization, dedicated to  increasing the awareness of all wines produced in Calaveras County and/or produced from Calaveras grapes.  We represent Calaveras County families – making some of the most exciting wines in California’s historic  Sierra Foothills region. The Calaveras Grape Stomp Competition was started by local winery owners and grape  growers who wanted to create a fun event to celebrate the harvest season and also give back to their local  communities. The event takes place in the Gold Rush town of Murphys, CA in Calaveras County, now home to  32 tasting rooms and over 50 vineyards.  

“The Calaveras Winegrape Alliance is honored to host the 29th Annual Grape Stomp Competition as we bring  together our community and visitors from throughout the state to enjoy this grape harvest celebration. We  invite guests to learn why this historical wine region has been an integral part of the California wine industry  since 1851,”explains Sandra Hess, Executive Director, Calaveras Winegrape Alliance. “We encourage visitors  to plan a long weekend in Calaveras Wine Country and to stop by the Wine Information Center at 202 Main  Street in Murphys to pick up tasting room maps and get recommendations”. 

Grape Stomp has become a huge community event for local businesses and residence who get together for a  great time and to also support the community through auction contributions. Organizations ranging from  Dignity Health, Bear Valley Ski Resort, Copper Valley Resort, Gold Electric, Gateway Press, Signal Service,  Murphys Inn & Suites along with many others provide Grape Stomp sponsorships each year to ensure this  annual event is a success. We can’t thank our supporters enough for all that they do to bring so much to others.  Matt Hatcher, winemaker and owner of Hatcher Winery, Home of School Street Wines, has come alongside  the CWA for years to co-produce the Calaveras Grape Stomp. He gives his time, resources and wine donations  each year and on top of that, ensures that the grapes get delivered for the stomping competition!  

Each year, the live and silent auction contributions raise between $8,000-$11,000. This fundraising event  supports local organizations, parks, and high school scholarship programs. Members of the Calaveras  County winery and business communities take great pride in the Grape Stomp auction and donate  generously with items such as outdoor adventure packages, travel packages, golf outings, exclusive  winemaker dinner events, concert tickets, gift baskets, wine and so much more. For information about the  Calaveras Grape Stomp and Auction or to donate an auction item, contact the CWA office at (209)  728-9467 or email


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