SVVGA’s Harvest Kickoff Bell Ringing Ceremony, Aug. 17 at the Mission

August 15th – The 2022 Sonoma Valley Harvest Season has begun! The Sonoma Valley Vintners & Growers Alliance and Foundation are excited to continue the Harvest Kickoff Bell Ringing Ceremony and ‘Ring in’ the 198th Sonoma Valley Harvest. Join SVVGA and our entire community in this tradition to celebrate the harvest season. Read the press release HERE
Wednesday, August 17th – Official Sonoma Valley Harvest Bell Ringing Ceremony at the Mission San Francisco Solano on the Historic Sonoma Plaza

To commemorate the beginning of the 2022 vintage, our Sonoma Valley community will participate in a valley-wide bell ringing on Wednesday, August 17, at 11:00 AM at the Mission San Francisco Solano. Growers, vintners, the local wine community, Sonoma Valley Fire and Police departments, local elected officials, industry partners and more will gather at the Mission to celebrate the start of harvest with the official bell ringing.  

There is no need to RSVP, join us at 11:00 AM, at the Mission! We are excited to continue this special tradition with our members and the community. Let’s celebrate and make some noise! 



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