World’s Largest Environmental Wine Conference, Green Wine Future 2022 by Wineally, Concludes with 16 Keynotes, 24 Sessions, and 170 Presenters from Five Continents

Conference concludes with fourth day of programing from New Zealand and Australia

May 26, 2022 (Planet Earth) – Green Wine Future 2022 concluded today (May 26, 2022) having featured an impressive line-up of 16 keynote addresses, 24 thought-provoking sessions, and 170 Presenters from Five Continents.

Green Wine Future 2022 by Wineally was four days of presentations and content focusing on the various challenges the wine business faces today with regards to the sustainable agriculture, global climate change, water conservation, corporate responsibility, greenwashing, and much more. Spanning seven different time zones from New Zealand to California, it was the most ambitious undertaking of its kind. No other wine conference has attempted to include the entire globe in its programming.

New Zealand Winegrowers and Barossa Australia were the host organizations and regions for the fourth day. Wines of Chile, California Wines, Wines of South Africa, Wines of Portugal, Interprofesional del Vino de España, and Cave de Gan Jurançon (France) hosted the previous three days.

Throughout the conference, it became most evident that the traditional model of wine production, sales, and marketing is unsustainable in the long run. The business must change if it wishes to survive.

“You can be a businessman and also respect the environment,” stated Clarence Louie, Chief of the Osoyoos Indian Band in British Columbia, Canada. “We don’t want to develop more land because we want to preserve our natural ecosystems.”

“Looking into social and environmental aspects are important to be a sustainable winery,” shared Sandra Carvão, Market Intelligence & Competitiveness Chief at the UN World Tourism Organization.

“The wine industry must learn from other sectors and focus more on mitigation rather than adaptation,” said Pancho Campo, founder of Green Wine Future. “Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, so adaptation will not help solve the climate crisis. Without mitigation and clear efforts to decarbonize the industry, we will not stop climate change.”

Legendary Marine Biologist, National Geographic Explorer, and Pioneer of Ocean Exploration put everything into perspective on how we are all connected on this planet through its oceans. She states, “Without a healthy ocean, the Earth would be a barren land. Protecting nature will protect our vineyards and the wine industry will thrive. Knowing is the key of caring and with caring there is hope!”

Day four of the conference began at 8:00am in the New Zealand time zone, with a welcome by Damien O’Connor, Minister of Agriculture for New Zealand and Charlotte Read of New Zealand Winegrowers, hosts of the morning session. Barossa Australia hosted the afternoon sessions, with James March, CEO of the Association and Paul Vanderbergh, Director and Owner of Munda Wines welcoming attendees to the Australia section of the program.

Keynotes of the day included Carlo De Biasi, Vice President, Association Lien de la Vigne who began Day four with a presentation about the Vinelink International 2022 Report. Ivan Eskildsen, Panama’s Minister of Tourism, closed the morning sessions with a presentation on Panama’s sustainable tourism model.

The afternoon began at 2:00pm Adelaide time with a keynote lecture by Miguel Soto, Spokesman for Greenpeace talking about greenwashing and how some international companies deceive the public. Special guest Gerard Bertrand, President & CEO of Gerard Bertrand Wines presented on how he acts for the planet and how the industry should follow suit. The day concluded with a special live roundtable discussion on key learnings from the conference and where we go from here.

The sessions of the day included subjects such as:

  • Navigating the Waters of Government Policies
  • The Value of Organic and Biodynamic
  • Emerging Regions and The Future of Wine
  • What is Regenerative Viticulture?
  • The Benefits of a Circular Economy

In addition, some late additions to the program also took place, including testimonies and recordings with wine producers of the Okanagan and Napa Valley.

The event had the support of the OIV, California Wines, Wines of Chile, Barossa Australia, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Organization, Interprofesional del Vino de España, Viniportugal, Wines of South Africa and many of the world’s leading wineries.

Replays of the conference sessions and keynote speeches are available to anyone who registered for the conference. In addition, the replays will be available to those interested in the sessions for the quite reasonable amount of $45USD.

Go to to purchase access to the conference replays.


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