Napa County Farm Bureau Celebrates National Agriculture Week

Message from CEO Ryan Klobas

Napa County Farm BureauMarch 21–Napa, CA—As National Agriculture Week kicks off from March 20 to 26, the Napa County Farm Bureau is excited to mark this national week celebrating Napa County Ag and the men and women who make our agricultural community truly world-class.

Over the last year, Napa County agriculture has dealt with, and continues to deal with, many challenges including drought, COVID-19 and the ongoing effects of wildfire, to name a few. 

As we continue to deal with these challenges facing agriculture at the moment, it is important to recognize the men and women in Napa County who have continued to face the challenge head on and who strive to continue to build our economy and communities in this unprecedented time. It is important for us in Napa County to pause and recognize the positive and significant impact that agriculture has on our communities.

Our local farmers, farmworkers, food processors and other essential employees in the agricultural sector have continued to perform their critical work and have ensured continuity of a critical infrastructure that provides for the well-being of ourselves, our families, our businesses and our entire Napa Valley community.

California is the nation’s top agricultural producer and often times this fact goes unrecognized. At the local level, the agricultural sector is Napa County’s driving economic force. Agriculture is predominantly inter-woven into the many businesses and individuals who make Napa County a premier, world-class economy and who fortify and enhance our local communities. When we are fortunate enough to have our current challenges dissipate, we should come out of it with a new appreciation for farmers and farmworkers who diligently serve Napa County and who make significant contributions to the fabric of our communities. These are the dedicated men and women who have faced challenges head on and they are certainly deserving of our respect—they have earned it.

As the oldest and largest agricultural organization in Napa Valley, the Napa County Farm Bureau is proud to represent over 1,000 members engaged in the agricultural sector who perform these vital services for us every day. They are top contributors to our economy, our local communities and overall personal well-being. 

During this National Agriculture Week 2022, the Napa County Farm Bureau applauds and thanks the men and women of Napa Valley agriculture for continuing to provide their essential services during this time of unequaled adversity. We encourage you to thank those that continue to perform this critical and essential work and those who continue to make agriculture in Napa County the driving force that makes our home truly world-class.


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