Registration Open for WAVEx: Soil Inoculants Webinar

Webinar will share the effects of mycorrhizal inoculants on vineyard growth and health.

SEATTLE (March 7, 2022) – Washington wine grape growers are invited to learn about promising benefits from soil fungi that could lead to reduced need for vineyard fertilizers, improved vine growth and contribute to more sustainable growing practices during a one-hour webinar on March 24.

Soil living, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi penetrate plant roots to form tiny structures called arbuscules. They have a symbiotic relationship with plants—the plants provide carbon to the fungi and the fungi’s branching filaments bring nitrogen, phosphorus and water to the plant. Washington State University’s Dr. Tanya Cheeke, assistant professor of microbial ecology, led a two-year study to better understand the impact of mycorrhizal inoculations on wine grape production in Washington State.

Cheeke’s research, supported by the Washington wine industry, tested the growth response of Chardonnay and Merlot cultivars with and without additions of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus fertilizer in potted vines to understand the impact of fungi on vine uptake of nutrients and water.

Cheeke will share her research findings and discuss the role that soil fungi can play in Washington’s vineyards and how they will fit into sustainable wine grape programs during the March 24 WAVEx webinar. Register for free here.

About WAVE and WAVEx:

Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology (WAVE) and WAVEx are a series of research seminars and webinars sponsored by the Washington State Wine Commission and WSU. WAVEx is the condensed, shorter webinar series. The events help make wine research findings more accessible to growers and wineries.

About the Washington State Wine Commission:

The Washington State Wine Commission (WSWC) represents every licensed winery and wine grape grower in Washington State. Guided by an appointed board, WSWC provides a marketing platform to raise positive awareness about the Washington wine industry and generate greater demand for its wines. Funded almost entirely by the industry through assessments based on grape and wine sales, WSWC is a state government agency, established by the legislature in 1987. To learn more, visit


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