Lange Estate Winery Acquires Elkhorn Ridge Vineyards 

January 26, 2022 — Dundee, OR — Lange Estate Winery and Vineyards is pleased to announce the acquisition of Elkhorn Ridge Vineyards, a 65  acre property near Monmouth in the foothills of the Oregon Coast Range. The Lange family will change the name to Lucky  River Vineyards, a nod to the Luckiamute River which runs just south of the property.  

Jesse Lange, Winemaker and Partner at Lange Estate, commented, “We’ve been looking to expand our vineyard  portfolio to meet increasing demand and this property checked all the boxes—an established vineyard with a stellar  track record, having provided fruit for a number of our good friends and colleagues for a many years. The elevation and  aspect are ideal for the production of pinot noir, and the site’s predominately Willakenzie soil is a perfect compliment  to our 60 acres of Jory soil in the Dundee Hills.”  

Executive Winemaker, Don Lange, added, “We’ve been making stellar wines from this area since 1989 when we start ed buying fruit from Freedom Hill Vineyard, situated just five miles from our new property; we are intimately acquainted  with the immense synergy between wines from this region and our Dundee Hills.”  

CEO and Partner, Wendy Lange said, “Clearly, this was a sound business decision for myriad reasons. I’m looking forward  to crafting wines from this exquisite vineyard.” Ms Lange handled the negotiations and financial details of the purchase  which was brokered by Rita Wolff and Jan Winder of Oregon Vineyard Properties. 

About Lange Estate Winery: Founded in 1987, Lange Estate is a family-owned and operated winery that has established  itself as a top producer of pinot noir, chardonnay, and pinot gris. Located in the heart of the Willamette Valley, the estate  includes three LIVE and Salmon Safe certified vineyards, a state-of-the-art winery, and hospitality center.  

Over the past 35 years, the winery has become a principal influence in establishing the Dundee Hills as a premier viticultural region, with a strong history of quality and excellence.


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