Swedish Wine Is Reaping Export Successes

The year 2021 was the year in which Swedish wine and wine production took a major step onto the international market.

27 December – Cultivation and production of wine in Sweden has developed steadily since the start around the turn of the millennium, both in terms of number of growers, volume and not least quality. However, the Swedish alcohol monopoly has long prevented Swedish wine growers from developing and expanding their wine production. The monopoly has been the only possible sales channel, as Sweden is the only country in the EU that does not allow farm sales of wine. However, this has not stopped the enthusiasm of over 300 wine growers from continuing to refine their vines and the production of quality wines. Sweden currently has around 40 wine growers with commercial operations. To further broaden the market, Swedish wine is now exported like never before into the EU.

Nordic Vineyards is the Swedish e-commerce company that makes it possible to export Swedish wine online.

Why has the demand for Swedish wine increased?

According to Henrik Edvall, co-founder of Nordic Vineyards, there are several factors that come into play, but mainly you can say that:

  • The craft and production of wines have been developed and refined
  • During the pandemic, the interest in wine and wine production has increased both in Sweden and abroad
  • Climate change, which of course is a serious global problem, has made it more favorable to grow and produce quality wine in Sweden
  • Swedish wine can now be bought directly online within the EU

The website nordicvineyards.com is available in both English and German, but more languages will be coming soon. The administration of excise duties and logistics, which is a major obstacle to international wine trade, is handled by the company. Therefore, there is nothing to stop selling Swedish wine to countries within the EU. The website’s visibility on the search engines is top notch and interest in Sweden’s vineyards will only increase in 2022. It feels extremely exciting, Henrik Edvall concludes.

What do customers say?

One of Nordic Vineyards’ regular customers is Erki Siplane – Head Chef at the Swedish Ambassador’s residence in Paris. We asked why he chooses to buy Swedish wine:

My intention is to start using Swedish wines in my job as much as possible at official dinners, lunches and receptions at the Ambassador’s residence in Paris. Quite simply, I think that our vineyards have done an excellent job in recent decades and we who represent our country abroad should both be aware of and show it. I myself see no reason why our foreign representation around the world should not offer Swedish wine to its guests, as do all other wine countries around the world. I hope that my job with this will inspire others to do the same, says Erki Siplane.


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