An Unmatched Cork for Ageing Sparkling Wines

Diam logoStop by the Diam booth to learn more about the new Mytik Diam 10 and Boisé oak inserts. Mytik Diam 10 is introducing a new era of sparkling wine preservation. And Boisé oenological oak range recently expanded to barrel inserts for extending the life of used barrels while keeping quality and consistency of wine profiles.

Mytik Diam 10 is an unmatched cork for ageing sparkling wines. It’s expectational durability, consistency and low O2 desorption is specifically designed to allow your sparkling wines to age up to 10 years.

Boisé oak inserts consist of a chain of 16 staves linked together with food grade plastic ties and attach barrel bungs with an eyehook screw for an easy insertion and removal in and out of the barrel. The new oak barrel inserts can be used individually or combined to provide more complex oak profiles to the wine.

Experts will be onsite ready to answer any questions about alternative oak and cork solutions that best fits your wine program.

Diam Bouchage
WIN Expo Booth: 211

Diam Bouchage manufactures technological cork closures for still wine, sparkling, and spirits. The natural cork material is cleaned using a supercritical CO2 process which allows Diam closures to be guaranteed to provide clean, consistent and reliable permeability from bottle to bottle. Still offerings are available in ranges 2, 3, 5, 10 and 30. For a more sustainable cork closure option, Diam Origine is available in ranges 5, 10 and 30. For sparkling wines, Diam offers the new Mytik 10, along with Mytik 5 and Mytik 3.
Diam closures are printed and finished at the North Coast and Modesto facilities

Boisé oak, from Vivley’s, over the past 20 years has provided innovation and expertise in the interaction between oak and wine. The Boisé brand has become a world leader in technical oenological oak.

G3 Enterprises is the exclusive distributor of Diam corks and Boise oak in North America.

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