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Rapid Access to Wine Processing and Quality Parameters

Horiba ScientificHORIBA Scientific manufactures Aqualog, a compact benchtop steady state spectrofluorometer. HORIBA’s Aqualog is uniquely equipped with simultaneous Absorbance spectral and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) technology which provides rapid access to a wide range of parameters important to commercial wine processing and quality characterization.

The Aqualog acquires a complete UV-VIS spectrum including the industry standard Absorbance wavelength values at 280, 420, 520 and 620 nm which are important to evaluate a wine’s phenolic content, hue and Intensity. Aqualog reports a NIST-traceable EEM which can be evaluated using multivariate statistics. EEM analysis fingerprints yield qualitative and quantitative composition of key flavor and color determinants that are not discernible with simple Absorbance or Transmission data analysis. Together, the Absorbance, Transmission and EEM data can be used to evaluate lot-to-lot, regional, and varietal characteristics, as well as sense the effects of oxidation and sulfite treatment, making Aqualog is a valuable tool for industrial wine characterization.

HORIBA Scientific
WIN Expo Booth: 733

HORIBA’s Fluorescence division incorporates technology from SPEX, IBH, Jobin-Yvon, PTI and SLM and offers the widest range of Steady State Fluorescence spectrometers, Fluorescence Lifetime spectrometers and Microscope-based solutions. They are the most sensitive, flexible, simple and affordable modular, expandable open architecture, tabletop systems & ion ratio imaging microscopy solutions, software & accessories.

HORIBA Scientific manufactures high performance fluorescence instrumentation for rapid spectroscopy and imaging, and extends from compact Fluorometers and Fluorescence Spectrometers to Modular Spectrofluorometer Systems, as well as an extensive selection of components, software and accessories.

Aqualog features Absorbance-Transmittance Fluorescence Excitation Emission Matrices (A-TEEM) providing better molecular fingerprinting. AquaLog also performs EEM and PARAFAC analysis of water, including CDOM.

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