Oregon Wine Experience® 2021 Raises More Than $1.6 Million 

All proceeds benefit the new Asante children’s hospital 

(Medford, OR – October 14, 2021) The 2021 Oregon Wine Experience® hosted its virtual event series and it  was a resounding success. The virtual Founders’ Barrel Auction, Miracle Auction and Silent Auction  generated more than $1.6 million. All proceeds will benefit children’s health care, including a new  children’s hospital-within-a-hospital, as well as other programs at Asante. The virtual auctions took place  September 27, 2021, through October 3, 2021.  

“The support of Oregon Wine Experience is particularly important as we raise the funds to build a new  children’s hospital and other initiatives in the AsanteForward campaign,” said Floyd Harmon, Executive  Director of Asante Foundation. “The substantial participation by our sponsors and donors not only gives  hope, but it also makes life saving health care a reality and we’re thrilled with the support and outcome of  the 2021 Oregon Wine Experience.” 

Proceeds were raised from our generous sponsors and partners, the virtual Miracle/Silent Auction and the  virtual Founders’ Barrel Auction. 

“We are so thankful for the continued generosity and support of our sponsors and donors” said Andrea  Reeder, Asante Foundation Director of Campaign and Operations. “Despite moving this year’s events to  the digital sphere again, our friends and partners rallied and helped us raise over $1.6 million towards the  new children’s hospital. It’s wonderful to be a part of such a strong and supportive community.”  

The Oregon Wine Experience® is a multi-day wine and culinary event, where 100% of money raised stays  local and benefits Children’s Miracle Network and other healthcare programs supported by the Asante  Foundation. This year’s Miracle Kid, Elio, is twelve years old and battling a second round of Ewing’s sarcoma  at Asante. Elio and his family are grateful he can receive care just 15 minutes from home, so he can return  home and spend time with his little brother Enzo. Contributions from the Oregon Wine Experience® help  fund the new women’s and children’s hospital within the new Pavilion at Asante Rogue Regional Medical  Center. The Pavilion will feature a state-of-the-art Pediatric Infusion Center for kids like Elio, facing cancer  and other serious illnesses. 

“I’m so grateful that we live in southern Oregon and have a community that sees children are important  and deserve to have a facility that caters to them and their families.” Vanessa, Elio’s mother. 

For more details, please visit theoregonwineexperience.com or call (541) 789-5025. 


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