Message from CEO Ryan Klobas
September 20th – Napa, CA—The Napa County Farm Bureau is proud to celebrate and acknowledge National Farm Health and Safety Week 2021 (September 19-25) in Napa County.
This annual promotion initiated by the National Safety Council has been proclaimed as such by each sitting U.S. President since Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944. National Farm Health and Safety Week is led by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), the agricultural partner of the National Safety Council. The theme for National Farm Health and Safety Week 2021 is “Farm Safety Yields Real Results”. This theme is one that reminds us that implementing best health and safety practices in the workplace is in everyone’s best interest to prioritize the health and safety of those who work so hard in our agricultural sector.
In Napa County, as we have progressed through the pandemic, we have created health and safety changes intended to be longstanding in the agricultural community in order to protect the health and welfare of our workers and ensure that their safety is paramount. The latest recommendations from the CDC, CalOSHA, US Centers for Disease Control and the UC Davis Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety are being implemented by Farm Bureau members across the Napa Valley as long-term best practices in the workplace to mitigate COVID-19 to the greatest extent possible.
Moreover, at the height of the pandemic, the Napa County Farm Bureau, in conjunction with the excellent leadership of the Saint Helena Hospital Foundation, was able to get hundreds and hundreds of Napa County ag workers quickly vaccinated to prioritize their health, while also working with the UC Davis Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety to deliver the best workplace safety and personal health material to Napa Valley’s ag workers on an ongoing basis.
Our agricultural community in Napa County continues to do an exemplary job realizing the importance of best health and safety practices in the agricultural sector and works constantly to ensure that ag businesses are successful in their efforts to ensure not only the health and safety of our workers, but our entire Napa County community as well.
We are proud of the commitment our organization, and our community as a whole, has placed on ensuring the health and safety of our ag workers during these challenging times. We acknowledge and celebrate the men and women of Napa County agriculture who have encountered unprecedented challenges, yet who continue to work diligently and proudly while serving our community and making Napa County truly world-class.