Leading Restaurant Publication Launches New Wine & Spirits Competition

The economy is emerging from the upheaval of the pandemic—and hospitality is coming back strong. Pent up consumer demand is driving the steady return of business to favorite gathering places. People want to celebrate, and they want to do so with the best wines and spirits. 

With this restaurant industry renaissance and renewal in mind, Santé Magazine has launched its inaugural Santé International Wine & Spirits Competition in conjunction with Wine Competitions Management & Productions. The new competition, held this September, 2021, is aimed at wineries and distillers interested in getting their brands directly in front of restaurant professionals with buying power and decision-making influence. 

For over 25 years, leaders in the hospitality industry have turned to Santé Magazine, 

a bastion of up-to-date information exclusively created for the restaurant world. Read and relied upon by CEOs, presidents, and professional managers in the hospitality industry, this monthly publication provides the vital facts and figures restaurant owners need to run their businesses most efficiently. Its content celebrates excellence throughout the restaurant industry, highlighting great restaurants, people, products, and best practices.

With its monthly magazine and daily newsletter content, Santé Magazine was a godsend during the pandemic, as restaurants repeatedly had to pivot in response to constantly changing conditions. With helpful articles on harnessing online ordering platforms, developing to-go menus, supporting the sales of premade alcoholic beverages, and the like, it proved indispensable as the Covid world turned upside down.

The new Santé International Wine & Spirits Competition is a chance for producers to gain access to the top-level buyers they need to reach. Winning wineries and distilleries will be featured in an upcoming issue of Santé Magazine, which will be shared with its extensive subscriber base and social media audience.

Says Publisher Emiliano De Laurentiis, “This year we expanded our syndication of the magazine, reaching people wherever they are consuming content. Our audience reads Santé on Apple News, Google News, and Restaurateur Connection, in addition to our website, reaching over 135,000 people a month. Our three great editors focus on monthly food, wine, and spirits features, contributed by 100 professionals in the industry.”

De Laurentiis says Santé Magazine highlights best practices within the industry by doing profiles and backgrounders on the best products on the market, as well as those individuals in the industry who are leading the way, pioneering the next best thing. 

“We are dedicated to highlighting the ‘best of the best.’ We at Santé Magazine have always had awards for the best people in the restaurant world. We’re excited to now have the chance to feature the best wines and spirits from this new competition, as well as the winemakers and distillers behind them. We are planning to publish a whole issue devoted to profiles of the winners.”

Judged by sommeliers, restaurant professionals, experienced judges and media influencers, the Santé International Wine & Spirits Competition takes place August 31 to September 2 in Santa Rosa, CA.  Deadline for submission is August 26, 2021. For more information on the competition and submission process, click here

Wine & Spirit Competitions Management & Productions, producer of many of the most prestigious beverage competitions in North America, manages the judging. The respected judging panels will include large volume buyers, influential media, winemakers, distillers, and other professionals from the wine and spirits industry.


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