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Adoption of Statewide Winery Process Water Order Considered at Jan. 20 Hearing

Wine InstituteJanuary 15 – SACRAMENTO — The California State Water Resources Control Board will consider  adoption of a statewide General Order for winery process water at a hearing on Jan. 20. The Order will require wineries to notify their Regional Water Boards of their process water management systems and meet certain water quality standards to remain in compliance. 

Under the proposed Order, most wineries that treat process water with a septic/subsurface system will be required to make costly upgrades to ensure process water meets the proposed effluent limits.  Additionally, larger wineries will be required to install groundwater monitoring wells and regularly monitor groundwater.  Wine Institute urges participation of wineries at the hearing to share the costly impacts the proposed Order will create for many wineries.  

Wine Institute has been negotiating on the proposed Order for years and provided extensive comments throughout the process. Wine Institute continues to request adjustments to protect groundwater quality while reducing unnecessary costs. For more information or to participate in the virtual hearing, contact Wine Institute’s Sacramento Office.  A table with more specifics on the General Order is here.


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