Three New Can Sizes for Wine-in-Cans Approved by TTB

The TTB added three new can sizes to the standard of fill for packaging wine-in-a-can: 200ml, 250ml and 355ml.

This means winemakers can sell INDIVIDUAL cans in the most popular 250ml size (according to WICresearch’s consumer preference surveys), as well as the most popular size in parts of Europe (UK), which is the 200ml.  It also means wine can be packaged in the 355ml size, which is the traditional 12oz. beer can. 


This final rule amends the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) regulations that govern wine and distilled spirits containers to add seven new standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits. Although TTB had originally proposed to generally eliminate the standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits, TTB is not adopting that proposal at this time. The amendments described in this final rule will provide bottlers with flexibility by allowing the use of the added container sizes, and will facilitate the movement of goods in domestic and international commerce, while also providing consumers broader purchasing options. 

(See TTB announcement):

This ruling added three sizes to the Standards: 200ml, 250ml, and 355ml.  See the full list of sizes below:  is the leading researcher of the wine-in-can market.  Our current can brand image survey covers 40 wine-in-can producers, with 24 brands using both front and rear pictures.  This ground-breaking industry survey to over 3,000 respondents comprised of nearly 100 questions is the first to cover so many winemakers in such detail. 

Current Standards of Fill for Wine

The standards of fill for wine are contained in subpart H of part 4 of the TTB regulations (27 CFR part 4). The term “standard of fill” is used in the TTB regulations and in this document to refer to the authorized amount of liquid in the container, rather than the size or capacity of the container itself. For better readability, however, this document sometimes uses the terms “size” or “container size” and “standards of fill” interchangeably. Within subpart H, paragraph (a) of § 4.72 (27 CFR 4.72(a)) authorizes the use of the following metric standards of fill for containers other than those described in paragraph (b) of that section:

  • 3 liters;
  • 1.5 liters;
  • 1 liter;
  • 750 milliliters;
  • 500 milliliters;
  • 375 milliliters;
  • 355 (new today)
  • 250 (new today)
  • 200 (new today)
  • 187 milliliters;
  • 100 milliliters; and
  • 50 milliliters.


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