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Registration Open for Washington Wine Research Seminars

Wine grape growers, winemakers invited to learn latest research results at WAVE and WAVEx

SEATTLE (March 9, 2020) – Washington’s wine industry is invited to a day dedicated to learning about cutting edge viticulture and enology research. The Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology (WAVE) seminar and condensed WAVEx will both take place on April 1, 2020 in Prosser.

WAVE is Washington wine industry’s signature research event held annually to highlight research supported by the Washington State wine industry. WAVEx narrows in on a more specific topic in a condensed format.

WAVE will start at 11:00 a.m. at the Walter Clore Center in Prosser and feature viticulture and enology research talks ranging from vine water management in a changing climate to managing new and old pests, bucket fermentation for potential smoke-exposed fruit and grape maturity impacts on wine quality. The day concludes with a wine social hour for networking with WSU scientists and industry.

The WAVEx hands-on Sprayer Technology workshop, sponsored by the Washington State Wine Commission, Washington State Grape Society and Washington State University, will run from 8:00-10:00 a.m. at WSU’s Prosser research station. Airblast and Quantum Mist sprayers will be used to demonstrate proper maintenance and proper set-up to increase canopy coverage, improve pest and disease control and reduce costs. The optimization principles, although demonstrated on two types of sprayers, will apply to all sprayer technologies currently used. 

The goal of WAVE is to raise awareness about the value of research among grape growers and wineries. The research seminars have become a valuable venue to discuss current and future research and bring scientists and industry members together.

Four pesticide recertification credits have been requested from Washington and Oregon departments of agriculture—two for WAVEx and two for WAVE. Pre-registration is encouraged, and seats are limited. A discounted student rate is available.


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