Learn About Custom Wine Services and Sip Sparkling Wine


Visit Booth B922 to taste sample of Rack & Riddle’s private label sparkling wine and learn about our full range of custom wine services for both still and sparkling wine. Rack & Riddle has three centrally-located Sonoma County, CA facilities in both Healdsburg and Alexander Valley (Geyserville), California. The new state-of-the-art facilities have increased winemaking space, automated bottling capabilities, plus have ample stainless steel tank and tirage storage capacities. Stop by to meet and chat with our Business Development and Winemaking teams.

Rack & Riddle Custom Wine Services
UWGS Booth: B922

Rack & Riddle is proud to be one of a select few wineries in the U.S. equipped to produce custom sparkling wines in the traditional Méthode Champenoise, start-to-finish. Our wine production facilities also offer state-of-the-art, fully automated bottling, labeling and packaging of your still wines. If you would like to schedule a tour of our facility to see our capabilities up close, let’s schedule a visit to discuss your needs.

Trade Show Guide

Unified Wine & Grape Symposium featured exhibitors by category:

Business Management

Human Resources






Production Services


Tasting Room




For a full list of exhibitors, go to www.unifiedsymposium.org/trade-show. You can also follow what’s happening on the trade show floor and conference sessions on twitter #UWGS.


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