Wine Quality Solutions Launches the NomaSense™ Oxymeter

The NomaSense™ Oxymeter is the latest addition to the Wine Quality Solutions (WQS) line of portable analyzers. Very easy to use and affordable for every production unit size, this device accurately measures dissolved oxygen in wine at all winemaking steps.

October 2019 — Oxygen control is an essential practice for wineries serious about preserving wine quality and optimizing production performances. “We have designed the NomaSense Oxymeter to complete our oxygen analyzers product line. This new device is the answer to the request from our customers to combine the quality, accuracy and robustness of the well-recognized NomaSense O2 P300 with a better price and connectivity to routinely control dissolved oxygen in wines,” explains Stéphane Vidal, Vice President of Enology & WQS at Vinventions.

Based on luminescence technology, the probe has a built-in barometer and temperature sensor, allowing optimal measurement accuracy for concentrations ranging from 0 to 22 mg/L with an accuracy of ± 0.04 mg/L and a detection limit of 15 μg/L.

With the NomaSense Oxymeter, wine producers can control dissolved oxygen in real-time accurately and quickly. “Some delicate cellar operations, such as filtration and cold stabilization, as well as all wine transfers, can be monitored. This control can help producers make the appropriate decisions depending on the winemaking stage and the measured oxygen pick-up, but also to improve practices,” says Romain Thomas, Brand Manager of WQS at Vinventions.

The analyzer is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone application from which the user runs the analyzer and manages the data. “The 12mm diameter probe, connected to a 5m cord, allows the user to immerse the sensor in any type of container, including bottles, providing a broad flexibility of use,” adds Jean- Baptiste Diéval, Application Development Manager at Vinventions.

For any further information on NomaSense Oxymeter, please contact the Vinventions Wine Quality Solutions team at or visit


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