Winery Hospitality Sales Training Workshop Offered October 8th

Napa, California | September 17, 2019: Success Strategies Inc.’s Lynda Paulson, CEO and Executive Coach, announced her 2019-2020 training schedule for the results-oriented “Winery Hospitality Relationship Sales Training” one-day workshop dates, starting October 8th at DeLoach Vineyards in Santa Rosa, California, along with numerous other classes. Her direct-to-consumer wine hospitality professionals’ training class teaches relationship selling techniques and skills through a series of interactive, hands-on exercises and modules. Ms. Paulson has been teaching sales training techniques to winery hospitality staff since the 1980s, and is author of Romancing the Grape: Relationship Selling for Wine Professionals.

Reported Nicole Pattalochi, Director of Hospitality, Archery Summit Winery: “I am happy to report that we doubled our wine club sign up goal after the workshop. We are off to a great start!” Ms. Pattalochi’s sentiments were echoed by John Morris, Tasting Room Manager, Tablas Creek Vineyard: “Your workshop was an unqualified success…sales and wine club conversion are high. If only we had done it sooner! Thanks for teaching us that ‘facts tell, stories sell.”


Participants will discover their communication strengths, build poise and confidence, and most importantly, develop relationship sales expertise. These skills will be learned through class demonstrations, discussion, role-playing, and team building exercises.  Additional course takeaways include —

  • Understanding the various verbal and non-verbal buying signals and how to respond to them
  • Learning how to deal with difficult people with poise and (and turn them around)!
  • Perfecting the art of asking questions and becoming a master at closing the sale smoothly

The workshop also offers optional pre-class mystery shopping of the winery tasting room, website or phone sales as well as a strategy session with the tasting room manager in order to more fully customize the course material for participants. Participants may also purchase Lynda Paulson’s book, Romancing the Grape: Relationship Selling for Wine Professionals.

Learn more or reserve your seat at: Additional classes will be offered in 2019 on December 3rd, at Cakebread Cellars in Rutherford, Calif., and February 4, 2020, in Napa, Calif. View/Download workshop flyer. Discounts are available for group ticket purchases. Class price includes lunch. Call 775.530.6119 or email for more information.


Lynda Paulson has been a sales training coach for more than thirty years with Success Strategies, Inc., renowned for teaching sales training, public speaking and communication skills to professionals from over 600 wineries and businesses in the U.S. and Europe. Her coaching techniques have been crafted over decades working with local clients such as the Cakebreads, the Mondavis, the Trincheros, the Martinis, the Wentes and management teams at many local companies. She has also taught training courses at AT&T, American Express, Disney Corporation, Kodak, ING, IBM and many more throughout California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Canada and Europe.


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