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SIP Certified Announces Newly Certified, High-Profile Vineyards for 2019

Atascadero, California, August 27, 2019 – SIP Certified (Sustainability in Practice) has just released a list of new vineyards that have been certified sustainable for 2019. The high-profile group includes six new properties and two long-time members.

SIP Certified is one of the wine industry’s oldest and most important sustainability assessment and certification programs. The SIP Certified logo guarantees that farmers, wineries and winemakers have used sustainable methods throughout the growing and winemaking process to preserve the environment and protect human resources. The values of the program include:

  • Social Responsibility – Competitive wages, medical insurance, training, and education
  • Water Management – Reduced/recycled water in the vineyards and winery
  • Safe Pest Management – Introduce beneficial insects, attract raptors and plant enriching cover crops to keep vineyards healthy
  • Energy Efficiency – Alternative fuels and energy sources like solar and wind, minimal tractor usage, enhanced insulation in winery
  • Habitat – Create wildlife corridors and preserve open space
  • Business – Ethical practices that treat employees and community with care and respect

According to Beth Vukmanic Lopez, SIP Certified Manager, “We are very excited to announce the addition of more than 3,800 acres that have recently been certified in California. Each of these properties has met our strict guidelines regarding environmental protection and social responsibility. This brings our grand total to 273 ranches and more than 40,000 acres that are currently SIP Certified.”

New Certified Vineyards for 2019

  • Pebble Ridge ‑ 692.72 acres certified in Paicines, CA
  • Gateway Vineyard ‑ 95.25 acres certified in Paso Robles, CA
  • Windfall Farms ‑ 223.38 acres certified in Paso Robles, CA
  • John Silva ‑ 22.03 acres certified in San Luis Obispo, CA
  • North Fork Vineyard ‑ 839.44 acres certified in Cuyma, CA
  • Rick Jekel/Vititech Vineyards ‑ 206.56 acres certified in Creston, CA 

Added Acres

  • Jackson Family Wines – Certified an additional 350 acres bringing their total to 12,894.07 acres
  • Lone Tree Creek – Certified an additional 1400+ acres owned by The Wine Group bringing their total to 1798.49 acres


Sustainability in Practice (SIP) Certified is one of the wine industry’s oldest and most important third-party assessment programs. It utilizes a block-to-bottle, integrated approach to management, enabling farmers, wineries and winemakers to preserve the environment and protect human resources. SIP Certified boasts strict, non-negotiable requirements and standards based on science, expert input, independent verification, transparency and the absence of conflict of interest. SIP Certified launched its pilot program in 2008 with 3,700 acres of vines between Monterey and Santa Barbara counties. Today, there are 43,600 acres of vines in California and Michigan, two wineries and more than 36 million bottles of wine that have been SIP Certified.

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