Dr. Susan Ebeler of UC Davis to Present Honorary Research Lecture at ASEV National Conference

Davis, Calif., March 27, 2019 – Dr. Susan Ebeler, Professor in the Department of Viticulture and Enology at University of California, Davis, will be presenting the 2019 ASEV Honorary Research Lecture, “Perspectives on Grape and Wine Flavor: Past, Present and Future,” at the 70th ASEV National Conference in Napa, California, on June 19, 2019.

The American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) grants the honorary research lecture to an individual with a current national or international reputation in his or her field of research who is also actively involved in scientific research.

“There is no shortage of research questions to explore. The joy has been to share the exploration and discovery with so many amazing students, staff and colleagues from around the world. I am honored and humbled to receive this award which reflects the contributions, dedication and curiosity of so many others,” said Ebeler.

Dr. Ebeler received her bachelor’s degree in food science from the University of Nebraska, her master’s degree in food science and doctorate in agricultural and environmental chemistry from UC Davis. Wine flavor chemistry and its health effects continue to provide the focus for her research program at UC Davis.

She is currently the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Programs in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at UC Davis. She’s the enology editor for the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture and is on the editorial board for the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. She previously served as an editor for the Journal of the Institute of Brewing.                  

In 1950, the ASEV National Conference was established as an annual meeting by a committee of industry and academic representatives comprised of founding leaders such as Maynard Amerine, James Guymon, Joseph Heitz, Louis P. Martini, Harold Olmo, Andre Tchelistcheff, A.W. Webb and A.J. Winkler. The event serves as the wine and grape industry’s platform for progress, offering a unique combination of continued professional education to scientific rigor and fundamental practice. The diverse and comprehensive program includes seminars addressing topics of daily experience in the winery and vineyard, as well as reports and updates on original research, and enology and viticulture work in progress.

Open to all industry and academic representatives, the ASEV National Conference provides an ideal opportunity for networking among members of all U.S. wine and grape regions, as well as international experts and professionals. For the latest information about the 70th ASEV National Conference taking place in Napa, California, on June 17-20 at the Napa Valley Marriott Hotel, visit www.asev.org.


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