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4th Annual Marin Open Studios Celebrated at Madrigal Wine Tasting Salon and Gallery in Sausalito

Winery Continues Bay Area California Artist Series with 30th Installation

March 5, 2019, Sausalito, CAMadrigal Family Winery Tasting Salon & Gallery in Sausalito will host its milestone 30th installation of its Art and Wine series on Sunday, April 14th from 6-8:30pm, featuring the work of local professional Marin County Artists including Amir Salamat & Simin Massoudi with art curation by Shiva Pakdel.  This exhibition is a celebration showing Madrigal’s support of Marin Open Studios, a vibrant community wide event that celebrates the county’s rich culture of art.  

Marin Open Studios is an annual free art event that has taken place during the first two weekends in May for 26 years. Over 270 world-class artists and their works are featured for viewing and for sale at the event. The installation will be on exhibit in the Madrigal Salon from March 7th – May 14th.

Amir Salamat

Amir Salamat was born in Tehran, Iran, where he began painting in oil at age 14. Immediately prior to the 1979 revolution, Amir left Iran to finish his studies in the United States of America. He received a master’s degree in Structural Engineering, before settling in the Bay Area.

Demented town 33″x48″

Amir’s unique style covers a variety of subjects and sometimes takes on a distinctive middle-eastern flavor that sometimes uses symbolism and religious imagery such as Mullahs, faceless veiled women, crosses and other Judeo-Christian metaphors. The tongue-in-cheek religious commentary belies a unique sense of humor that is used to deliver a much more serious message.

Amir’s work has been displayed in various locations and has been purchased by collectors throughout United States. While using different materials and techniques his very personal style has gone through many changes throughout his career as an artist.

Amir’s work has been shown at ArtFest, Gallery One, Anon Salon and several galleries. In 2015, in a retrospective show of his work, he exhibited over 50 of his pieces at the former location of Steven Wolf Gallery in San Francisco. He had a solo show at Peninsula Art Museum in November of 2016.

His work in collected throughout USA and parts of Europe. www.amirsalamat.com

Simin Massoudi

Artist’s Statement: I first discovered the joy of painting in the 1970’s. My imagination encouraged me to paint with fluid brush strokes and a palette of dynamic colors. The importance of imagination in the creation of art fascinates me. Imagination breaths visibility into that which was previously invisible. Reality is born from the union of imagination and creation. Tangible beauty is ordered from the disorder of chaos that surrounds me. My art seeks out in a few simple lines, the Visual language to express feelings within my heart. I love to paint people and to capture the essence of my subjects by means of those simple lines that express deep emotions. Emotions of love, longing, loneliness and sorrow are often in my work and also mirror the stages of my life. Each painting tells a story and is, as Picasso once said, “just another way of writing a diary”.

Feeling Blue

A painter for over 40 years, Simin Massoudi’s Iranian heritage evokes a seamless interweaving of East and West and consists of semi abstract figurative images and simplified forms using line drawings. Ms. Massoudi has exhibited her work in California, New York, London and Paris. Her paintings are also in many private collections in United States and Europe. Her work is also in the permanent collection at the Museum of Fine Arts in Amman, Jordan. The influence of the rich culture of Iran and the modern masters of the West can be seen in her work, which brings both worlds together in the balanced and dynamic harmony. www.simin-m.com

Entrance to the Madrigal art and wine event is complimentary. RSVP sausalito@madrigalfamilywinery.com.

The Madrigal Sausalito Wine Salon & Gallery is open from 12-7pm daily. For information, contact Wine Salon Manager Patricia Gatti at (415) 729-9549 or pgatti@madrigalfamilywinery.com.

For more information on Marin Open Studios, visit: http://marinopenstudios.org/.

About Madrigal Family Winery

Located on Highway 29, halfway between Calistoga and St. Helena in the renowned Napa Valley, the Madrigal Family Winery continues the family tradition of viticultural leadership and wine production. Since the 1930s, the family has been building its reputation and earning recognition for their vineyard management program as well as their wines. Situated on 40 acres of estate vineyards, the state of the art Madrigal Winery specializes in Cabernet Sauvignon, Petite Sirah, Zinfandel, Sauvignon Blanc, and small lots of single vineyard and estate wines. Today, Madrigal Family Winery is run by Chris Madrigal, the family’s 3rd generation.

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