Baker Wine & Grape Analysis Launches New Sensory Evaluation Testing

Baker Wine & Grape Analysis is excited to add Sensory Analysis to its expanding list of services.

Paso Robles, CA. February 5, 2019. Baker Wine & Grape Analysis (BWGA) announced that it was offering three new sensory evaluation of wine services: trouble shooting, sensory evaluation, and wine stylizing. Sensory analysis is conducted by sensory specialist, Sherrie Holzer.

Trouble Shooting: Identifying wine flaws or undesirable sensory defects. Evaluation includes what happened to the wine, how to prevent it in the future, and how the problem may be fixed. The report includes overall wine quality assessment.

Sensory Evaluation: A descriptive analysis for a complete wine aroma and flavor profile. The report includes a description of distinct characteristics of the wine that can be used for tasting notes, spec sheets, sales and marketing team, restaurants, label description, or tasting room staff.

Wine Stylizing: Getting the full potential from the wine with final adjustments or enhancements. Blending trials for lengthening finish, building structure, balance, and consistency. Boosting a silver medal wine to a gold medal winning wine.

Sherrie Holzer joined the Baker team in January 2018. She has been making wine commercially and judging wine professionally for over a decade. Her credentials include Bachelor of Science degrees in Enology and Chemistry, a Wine Business Certificate from Sonoma State, an Advanced Sensory Certificate from U.C. Davis, TTB Chemist Certification, and she’s currently working through the WSET for Wines and Spirits Certification program.

Baker Wine & Grape Analysis, founded in 2002, is located in the Paso Robles, California. The laboratory provides services for winemakers, brewers, distillers, olive oil producers, and vinegar producers. BWGA prides itself on exceptional customer service, offering a wide spectrum of accurate and time efficient analysis. The majority of the tests are performed the same day and clients receive results in the electronic format of their choice. Clients can also easily access their entire history of reports online.


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