Happy Thanksgiving

This is a busy week, both personally and in business, so I will make today’s blog brief.

As Black Friday is the biggest sales day for most businesses in the U.S. (and even in countries where they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving), keep in mind that it pays to spend a minute or two focusing on the guests and what they want, no matter how busy you are.

Here are a few tips.

Between each interaction with different groups of guests:

  • Take a deep breath
  • Reboot your attitude to positive
  • Approach every interaction as if it were the first of the day

Lastly, bring at least two pairs of shoes to work with you on Black Friday. It really helps if you change shoes regularly as it changes the pressure points.

Here is a quote from W. Clement Stone, an extremely successful entrepreneur who encouraged a positive mental attitude to achieve success.

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman – not the attitude of the prospect.” W. Clement Stone

Remembering that it’s you who makes the difference may keep you going until you can sit down, take your shoes off and breathe a sigh of relief.

Happy Thanksgiving and happy selling.

A tip of the glass from me to you.

Elizabeth SlaterE Column
by Elizabeth “E” Slater, In Short Direct Marketing

A recognized expert in the fields of direct marketing and sales in the wine marketplace. Slater has taught more wineries and winery associations how to create and improve the effectiveness of their direct marketing programs and to make the most of each customer’s potential than anyone in the wine industry today.

Follow E on twitter @esavant and facebook.



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