Onsite Testing of Your Closures at WIN Expo

There is nothing more frustrating to a wine consumer than buying a favorite bottle of wine only to find the cork failed. Either too tight or too loose, it’s a disaster.  The best way to prevent this is to test your closures in advance. Dillon/Quality Plus tests both force (corks) and torque (screw caps).  Come see us at booth 508 where we’ll be doing onsite testing of your closures.  Test to make sure your supplier is giving you the product you ordered!

Dillon/Quality Plus, still family owned and operated, offers the following:

  • Force and Torque Measurement Equipment for the wine industry
  • Mechanical and Digital Dynamometers
  • Crane Scales
  • Overload Limit Switches
  • Load Cell Systems
  • Mechanical and Digital Force Gauges

We can also do top load, tension, and compression testing.

Dillon / Quality Plus, Inc
WIN Expo Booth: 508

The Dillon product line represents over 84 years of design and manufacture of testing of force measurement devices and force measurement equipment.

The strength and versatility of our load testing and force gauge instruments have repeatedly been demonstrated on construction sites, in testing laboratories, in manufacturing facilities, at mining and oil drilling sites, warehouses, in batching operations, and cable installations.

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