High Quality Oak Products and Production Machines

The Vintner Vault booth will be a fully automated Enos/Borrelli labeling line, an IMMA stemmer/crusher, various sizes of impeller wine-transfer pumps, and Garbellotto oak products, including French Oak barrels and French Oak casks.

Their booth, #152 and #153, will be fully staffed with Vintner Vault personnel to answer all your winery facility production questions. Vintner Vault booth will be stocked with Free Catalogs showing all Vintner Vault products. Discounts will be offered for equipment ordered during the North Coast Expo.

Vintner Vault
WIN Expo Booth: 152 & 153

The Vintner Vault was born in 2003. The initial and current focus of the Vintner Vault is to realize the needs of winemakers and wineries, regardless of size and production capacities. We continue to focus on providing an outlet, not only for high quality winemaking equipment and supplies, but also a knowledgeable staff, equipped with first hand expertise. With buying power around the globe, and our own in-house fabrication shop, we are not limited to equipment shown in our Catalog. Please let us know what we can do for you.

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