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Zenith® – The Revolution in Wine Stabilization

We believe that the future of winemaking will be built through better wines, further competitive winery solutions and more sustainable processes.

Zenith® is suitable for all wineries currently using cold stabilization who want to reduce production costs and increase their sustainability standards, while simultaneously achieving ultimate stability and respecting wine quality. Enartis, the market leader in stabilization products, provides a cutting-edge, cost-effective and eco-friendly product range allowing wineries to switch off their cooling systems, dramatically reducing production costs and gas emissions, while respecting the organoleptic properties of wine and ensuring the best color and tartaric stability over time and under temperature stress.

Enartis USA
UWGS Booth: 1211

Beginning as the pioneering Vinquiry Wine Laboratory in the early days of the modern US wine industry, Enartis USA is now a leading supplier of premium winemaking products to the North American Wine Industry and provides high-quality analytical services through its network of laboratories.

The ISO 17025:005 Accreditation of our main laboratory in Windsor, CA verifies the high-quality of analytical services that we provide our clients, which range from basic chemistry testing to most recent analytical technologies such as Real Time Quantitative PCR (PCR Panels), oak aromas compound analysis and grape and wine phenolic analysis (Phenolic Fingerprint), among many others.

In January of 2009, we became part of the multi-national company Esseco Group, which manufactures the Enartis range of premium winemaking products. Being part of the world leading manufacturer of winemaking products has allowed us to incorporate advanced technology and develop tailored solutions for the US wine industry. Enartis USA is a leading supplier of winemaking products, with the capability to meet the needs of wineries of all sizes.

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