20% Off Y350 Semi-Automatic Enzymatic Analyzer

Unified Wine and Grape Symposium is quickly approaching and we’d love to see you there. Join us at booth 2522 to talk enzymatic reagents, auto-analyzers, or just to say hi. We will be offering 20% off of our Y350 semi-automatic enzymatic analyzer on orders placed at the show. We hope to see you there!

Admeo Inc.
UWGS Booth: 2522

Admeo is the enology focused one stop shop company dedicated to serve the US wine industry with innovative lab solutions for quality testing of wine and wine related applications. Since 2013 Admeo has partnered with BioSystems SA to ensure local distribution and support of BioSystems entire Enology program to the US wine laboratory. Automated Random Access Analyzers, Reagents, Standards and Controls. Food Safety is a growing requirement when exporting wine. Admeo offers Mycotoxin and Allergens ELISA kits. 

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