Afternoon Brief, Jan. 17

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Trending Story:

California Governor Declares Drought State Of Emergency
With California facing water shortfalls in the driest year in recorded state history, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today proclaimed a State of Emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for these drought conditions…

Today’s News

Wine suppliers must not neglect established markets says Rabobank
Global wine suppliers must balance their ambitions for BRIC markets with a focus on more established markets, says Rabobank…

Suntory’s acquisition of Beam targeted by lawsuit
Suntory’s proposed $16 billion acquisition of Beam Inc. is being targeted by at least two lawsuits brought by Beam shareholders, both of which assert that Beams board has accepted a price that undervalues the company…

Wine & Sex: The New Tupperware Party
A Spanish winery is taking wine pairing to a whole new level. Wine and sex seem like a natural pairing and are, in fact, the reason that many of us are on the planet. But beware casual conversational usage, as “wine&sex” is a trademarked brand, as well as an annual event in the Canary Islands…

Closer To Sealing the Farm Bill Deal?

Consultant Winemaker Paul Hobbs, with Well-Known German Winemaker, Launches Finger Lakes Project

Beaujolais producers unite to stop ‘loss of vines’

Lower alcohol wine sales nosedive in UK

Wildfires spark fears across dry California

Garagiste Wineries like Dubost Wines Use Highest Quality Cork from ACI Cork USA

Stotesbery family acquires Govino ‘glassware’ maker

How education is driving China’s unquenchable thirst for wine

Paso Robles water groups presenting details of water district again Jan. 22

Top Stories of the Week

Special yeast reduce alcohol, improve wine

Silicon Valley Bank: The 2014 State Of The Wine Industry Is – Forrest Gump?

Celebrity wines hit-and-miss

Eberle isn’t the only one stunned at takeover

Is There Rain on the Horizon for California’s Vineyards?

Sonoma vineyard developer fined for waterway violation

Recent Rain Does Little to Alleviate Drought in Northern California

Protect Vine Pruning Wounds From Fungal Infections

Wine Enthusiast Reveals its Top 10 Wine Travel Destinations for 2014

Vineyard CEQA suit looms large

Featured Video

Thirsty Girl Leslie Sbrocco hosts a Cougartown Wine Party


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