Afternoon Brief, Jan. 15

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Trending Story:

2014 State of the Wine Industry Report Live Video Conference Jan. 16
Please join Rob McMillan, EVP & founder of Silicon Valley Bank’s Wine Division, and an expert panel as they discuss the wine business and findings from the 2014 State of the Wine Industry Report. Rob will be joined by special guest Paul Mabray, Chief Strategy Officer of VinTank; Mario Zepponi, Principal atZepponi & Company; and Glenn Proctor, Partner in the Ciatti Company, in this interactive video conference, including live viewer Q & A…

Today’s News

Is There Rain on the Horizon for California’s Vineyards?
California is thirsty and not for wine. It barely rained in 2013, and the wine industry is worried. How bad is it? Some of the growing regions in Napa Valley got less rain than Las Vegas…

Sonoma County wine growers set goal of 100% sustainability
The Sonoma County Winegrape Commission wants every vineyard and winery in its domain to be certified sustainable in the next five years…

New York Industry Organizations To Host Joint Wine And Grape Event
The New York Wine Industry Workshop and Finger Lakes Grape Grower Conference will combine to form a joint conference, called B.E.V. NY, designed to provide the New York grape and wine industry with the most current and relevant research-based information…

New Year already setting drought record in Mendocino County

Vineyard developer fined for waterway violation

Water agency, partners eye Russian River update, plan

University of California to host drought workshop

Wine trends to watch in 2014

California Legislative Roundup 2014

Kathleen Wynne Toasts Ontario’s Wine Industry

Supplier News

3-D Label On Wine Bottles Wins Bronze Award For TricorBraun

OxySense Expands Its OxyPerm Permeation/OTR System Capabilities

A look at computer software importance to ag

Ardagh Group to make furnace repairs

Packaging supplier plans Fairfield ‘megacenter’

World’s Most Advanced Cork Closure To Debut in U.S. at Unified Wine and Grape Symposium

Guala Closures plans North Bay screw cap plant

Maverick Awarded WINnovation Award and Gold Ink Award!

VinLuxe Wine Aerator Announces 33% Discount in Honor of Product Launch

Featured Video

Dollars & $ense 2014 – 100% Sustainability in 5 Years

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