Afternoon Brief, Dec. 13

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Trending Story:

Maryland wine industry sees growth in past decade
Maryland’s wine industry, while not a powerhouse in the world of vino, has seen tremendous growth during the past decade, and the state has the potential to become a major center of wine production in time, experts said…

Today’s News

Court Blocks Sonoma Vineyard Planting
Judge rules that winery needs to review environmental impact; Artesa argues land is zoned for farming…

Aussie wine industry unveils blueprint to lift profitability
The Winemakers Federation of Australia (WFA) has launched its Actions for Industry Profitability 2014-2016 to position the countrys wine sector for growth in both domestic and export markets…

Constellation Renews With RNDC In Nine Markets
Constellation Brands and Republic National Distributing Co. (RNDC) have renewed distribution agreements in nine U.S. markets. Under the new five-year deal, which takes effect in March, 2015, RNDC will continue to have exclusive rights…

Rioja harvest late but outlook optimistic

Wine world’s bid to boost production

Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control agency makes record profit

Ice wine harvest comes early in Finger Lake

Tennessee: Wine in grocery stores may pass in 2014

Purdue: Wine Capital of Indiana

French Bulk Wine Prices at 18-Year High Advance for Sixth Week

Russo Bill to Strengthen New Jersey Wineries Clears Assembly Panel

Proposed Bill in Washington Would Allow Wine Sales in Growlers

Stopgap farm bill passes House, extends current law to January

Top Stories of the Week

How Internet Marketers Retain Club Members … And How Wineries Can, Too

A New Entry in the “Which is Greener Debate:” How Does Nomacorc Rank?

Grape seed extract may kill prostate cancer

Top 10 most influential winemaking consultants

2013 California Winegrape Harvest Report

Wine makes sperm stronger and other unexpected food and drink studies

North Coast Wine Industry Expo Welcomes Over 3000 Attendees in Second Year

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A Christmas parody on Blurred Lines or Blurred Vines?

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