AB Hero Young Vines
Afternoon Brief, December 30
Winemaking is often thought of as a symbol of transformation. While the fermented drink dates back 9,000 years, the wine market is now experiencing its own transformation due to technological innovation,...
AB Hero Shrivelled Grapes
Afternoon Brief, December 20
By the time the Mendocino Complex Fires were officially contained on Oct. 4, 2018, five weeks after igniting, they had burned approximately 450,000 acres in Colusa, Lake, Glenn and Mendocino counties,...
AB Hero Wine Keyboard
Afternoon Brief, December 2
Taking the Direct Route to Wine: Direct to Consumer (DtC) sales are rapidly growing in the US as more states relax their rules, benefiting both producer and consumer alike. However, treasury departments...
AB Hero Tasting Glasses
Afternoon Brief, November 27
Thanksgiving ‘Biggest Opportunity’ for Wine in US On-Trade Nielsen Shows: According to the Nielsen CGA Channel Strategy Report 2019 and Nielsen CGA On-Premise User Survey (OPUS) 2019, wine sales outperforms...
AB Hero Wastewater Treatment
Afternoon Brief, November 18
Wine Moguls Destroy Land and Pay Small Fines as Cost of Business, Say Activists: After California wine industry mogul Hugh Reimers illegally destroyed at least 140 acres of forest, meadow and stream in...
AB Hero Albrigi Control Panel
Afternoon Brief, November 14
Five Award Winning Innovations for the Wine Industry: Innovation often happens when a new or growing problem needs to be addressed, but sometimes it happens just because someone brings a new perspective...
AB Hero Wine Keyboard
Afternoon Brief, November 11
Sonoma County Studies Take Issue with Wine Industry’s Expansion, Scrutinizing Traffic, Events: Sonoma County wineries should bear the bulk of the responsibility for improving relations with rural neighbors,...
AB Hero Rotting Grapes on Vine
Afternoon Brief, October 23
New Law, Citing Napa as Inspiration, Seeks to Change Status Quo of Farmworker Housing: A new law, drawing upon inspiration from Napas farmworker housing model, could transform the housing landscape for...
AB Hero Rotting Grapes on Vine
Afternoon Brief, September 19
Napa Planning Commission Asks for More Time to Study Bremer Winery Compliance: Bremer Family Winery, which has been a focus of thorny county code and permit controversies, ran into a delay as it works...
AB Hero Albrigi Control Panel
Afternoon Brief, September 6
Why Winemakers Should Be Fighting Against Herbicide Drift: A grape grower whose vineyards have been damaged speaks out on why it's a threat to the industry...
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