ABrief  August 22
Afternoon Brief, August 22
Wine in Kegs: This Time, Are They Here to Stay?
: Wine in kegs is an ancient concept that has been ongoing in many parts of Europe...
AfBrief  August 8
Afternoon Brief, August 8
California's Next Big Wine Region: The Beckstoffers Bet on Red Hills: In the winemaking world the name Beckstoffer is synonymous with quality but it's truly insufficient to simply say "quality" about the...
ABrief  August 2
Afternoon Brief, August 2
O’Neill Vintners & Distillers Acquires Robert Hall Winery: O'Neill Vintners & Distillers, the seventh-largest wine producer in California by volume, has announced the purchase of Robert Hall Winery in...
ABrief  July 13
Afternoon Brief, July 13
On-Premise Beverage Alcohol Consumption Continues to Decline: The on-premise beverage alcohol market was unable to capitalize on an improving economy, as consumption decreased for the third consecutive...
ABrief  July 12
Afternoon Brief, July 12
Winery Events Study Comes Before Sonoma’s Board of Supervisors: A lengthy process to evaluate how to control, permit or deny events at Sonoma County's 447 wineries and tasting rooms comes to a head on...
ABrief  July 5
Afternoon Brief, July 5
Treasury Wine Estates to Offload 12 US Wine Brands: The group said on Monday that it would sell 12 US wine brands that were part of its "non-core" portfolio at "approximately book value"...
ABrief  June 27
Afternoon Brief, June 27
California Winemakers Press for Stricter Label Rules: California winemakers have now enlisted lawmakers and federal regulators in their latest effort to stop the dilution of some vintage names...
ABrief June 14
Afternoon Brief June 14
Microbes in Pressed Grapes Before Fermentation May Predict Flavor Metabolites in the Finished Wine: The microbial mix found in grape juice during the winemaking process may help shape the terroir of a...
ABrief June 9
Afternoon Brief June 9
E. & J. Gallo Purchases Wine Brand Orin Swift Cellars: Winemaker Dave Phinney has a knack for making delicious, stylish wines with memorable labels and attractive price points but also for understanding...
Afternoon Brief, February 12
Sonoma County Winegrowers Learn How to Combat Pierce’s Disease at Shone Farm Workshop: Thousands of Sonoma County vines have been pulled out and replanted over the past two years, thanks to an outbreak...
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