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The SWR Bottle Weight Accord 

This accord is supported by the following retailers: Lidl GB, Naked Wines UK, Naked Wines USA, Systembolaget AB, The Wine Society, Virgin Wines, Waitrose & Partners, Whole Foods Market 

The SWR is in active discussions with other major retailers which we expect to join the accord soon. 

October 10th – The glass bottle is the single most significant component of wine’s entire carbon footprint. Research by the Sustainable Wine Roundtable (SWR) shows that as much as half of the carbon impact of wine comes from the bottle itself, a combination of embedded carbon from manufacturing along with the energy required to transport it. 

Based on the findings of that research, the SWR has launched the Bottle Weight Accord supported those retail members listed above in order to reduce the average weight of the 750ml still wine bottles they sell from the current average of approximately 550 grams to an average bottle weight below 420 grams by the end of 2026. 

This will be achieved through a number of steps: 

  1. Removing as many of the heaviest bottles as soon as possible; 
  2. Light-weighting the bottles of “own brand” wines by the end of 2025; 
  3. Collaborating through SWR to work with branded wines makers. 

Each SWR retailer member has undertaken to introduce phased reductions within their own procurement processes. The modalities for each member will be communicated to SWR, which will monitor progress over time. In each case this will include providing SWR every six months with the member’s average wine bottle weight so that SWR can demonstrate publicly bottle weight reductions over time. 

As part of this accord, SWR will also work with its members in other parts of the supply chain to facilitate this process of change. This will include working with producers to access lighter weight bottles and providing guidance to bottlers on changes in the management of filling lines. We recognise that there may be challenges in certain areas, for example with the packaging rules of some appellations. However, the SWR believes that taking a collective approach to these issues is the most effective way of delivering change. 

The SWR sees taking average wine bottle weight below 420g as only the first step, and will be exploring what further reductions will be possible over time. We will also be undertaking further work to address the carbon impact of wine packaging, including light-weighting of sparkling wine bottles, examination of the expanded use of alternative packaging formats, and of bulk shipping.

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