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First Barolo & Barbaresco Academy’s Digital Edition Kicks Off

The Barolo & Barbaresco Academy is now offering an online course to become ambassadors of Langhe wines.

The “Barolo & Barbaresco Academy – Langhe Wine School”, successfully launched in September last year in Grinzane Cavour, is now enrolling students from all over the world in its first online course.

The initiative – aimed at overcoming travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic – is organized by the Consorzio di Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani and Strada del Barolo e grandi vini di Langa.

Course information and details are available on the website www.barolobarbarescoacademy.com. Prospective students can inquire through the contact form or via email at info@barolobarbarescoacademy.com.

The Barolo & Barbaresco Academy (Level One) – Online Course is led by highly qualified teachers from Piedmont and is available in Italian and English. Purchasing of single lessons is also available. The complete course consists of five video lectures that address history, viticulture, geology, economics and winemaking techniques of the Langhe appellations.

The programme coordinator is the sommelier and tourist guide Sandro Minella. Natural scientist and geologist Edmondo Bonelli will take students on a journey through the geological eras of the Piemonte’s Tertiary Basin. Agronomist and professor Edoardo Monticelli will be in charge of the modules about native grapes – from Nebbiolo to the other vines of the Langhe. Professor Vincenzo Gerbi from the Università di Torino will lecture about the evolution of winemaking techniques. A final talk led by agronomist and journalist Maurizio Gily will look at the Langhe wines’ market challenges and perspectives.

In-classroom courses will be restored in spring 2021, offering students the chance to have a full experience in the Langhe with guided tastings, paired lunches and a tour of the Barolo and Barbaresco geographical appellations (M.G.A).

The Barolo & Barbaresco ‘digital’ Academy was already on the agenda, but the pandemic accelerated our plans. We think is crucial to offer wine professionals everywhere the chance to increase their knowledge of Piedmont and the Langhe – explains Matteo Ascheri president of the Consorzio di Tutela– As Consorzio we want to strengthen educational activities for wine educators and brand ambassadors both in Italy and the rest of the world.

Strada del Barolo has been working for over a decade to promote the oenological culture of this extraordinary terroir – adds president Lorenzo Olivero – And for this reason, we have developed various initiatives over the years, such as the Wine Tasting Experience® scheme. We are proud to share our know-how for such an ambitious and innovative project. The online edition is the result of this critical period where travel is restricted but it will allow us to reach and train wine professionals worldwide.

For information, cost and details about the Barolo & Barbaresco Academy – Langhe Wine School please contact info@barolobarbarescoacademy.com.

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