COVID-19 Harvest Protocols Workbook for California Vineyards and Wineries

Wine InstituteWine Institute, California Association of Winegrape Growers and California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance have developed a COVID-19 Harvest Protocols Workbook that was released during a July 7 webinar featuring health and safety experts Collin Cook of Fisher & Phillips LLP and David Sarvadi and Manesh Rath of Keller & Heckman LLP.

California law requires employers to develop an effective Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) to protect employees from workplace hazards, including infectious diseases. The protocols were developed based on guidance from government agencies and presented in a workbook format to assist vineyards and wineries in adhering to IIPP guidelines and preparing for harvest activities. Topics include administrative processes, hygiene, cleaning and sanitization, physical distancing, employee wellness screening/checks, employee housing/transportation/training, and communications and resources.

Wineries are advised to consult with their legal counsel prior to the use of information from the harvest webinar available for download and viewing below.


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