Professional-Grade, Compact Modular Bottling Lines

We will be exhibiting several machines from our compact modular bottling line, including the bottle filler, labeler, sparger and a few different heat shrink machines.

We will also have on-hand videos of our products in actions as well as giveaways and a raffle.

Our president will be on hand to offer his expert advice for assembling a professional-grade bottling line for small to medium size runs. He will also discuss how large wine operations can benefit from specialty and large format bottling lines.

Cru Bottling Systems
WIN Expo Booth: 621

Cru Systems manufactures as well as distributes complete, professional-grade, compact modular bottling lines. This includes the rinser/sparger, bottle filler, corker, foiler and labeler – everything you need to bottle your wine in-house.

Cru Systems specializes in professional grade machines for small to medium size bottling runs. Whether you need one component or the entire line, our goal is to provide you with high-quality, professional bottling equipment, specifically designed to keep your bottling expenses to an absolute minimum!

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