Afternoon Brief, Oct. 22

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Trending Story:

Bumper Crops Leave Chile Awash With Wine
A severe frost in Chile wiped out an estimated 20 percent of the country’s crop earlier this month, which could reduce the 2014 harvest. However, a leading analyst views that as good news, as lower output in 2014 would help restore balance to Chile’s wine industry…

Today’s News

SNAP divides House, Senate versions of farm bill
House leadership has finally appointed members to the farm bill conference committee but there is no set date for talks with Senate counterparts to begin…

New Zealand Wine Exports Increased to a Record in 2012-13 Year
Constellation Brands (NYSE:STZ) VP John Wright sold 40,000 shares of the company’s stock on the open market in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, October 17th…

Farm income forecast at highest level since 1973
The latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (ERS) projects net farm income for 2013 at $128.2 billion, expected to be the highest since 1973…

Frost Hits Australian Winegrowers

Rare vintages surface at Penfolds Recorking Clinic

White varietals hit hardest by Chilean

Sancerre Threatens AOC Departure

Hong Kong Wine Sales to Increase 11% Annually


Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance chooses new communications, marketing manager

Fall Creek Vineyards Hires Chilean Winemaker

Q&A: Olivier Humbrecht, France’s First MW

Olympic Peninsula winemaker rides rapids of success at Harbinger Winery

Texas wine profiles: Winemakers

The Many Faces of Littorai

Del Posto Wine Director Jeff Porter Joins the Babbo Team

Featured Video

Most Dangerous Ways to Open a Bottle of Wine




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